Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hello, Fourteen

Ah, here we are, another year older and perhaps another year just a bit wiser. 2013 brought its share of adventures, twists, turns, ups and downs- of which all I am grateful for. As I gear up to head into 2014 with some new perspective and understanding under my wings I've started to cultivate my list of intentions for the upcoming year.  Along with setting more specific goals and resolutions I like to set "intentions". Working from a group of ideas with a higher, broader aim gives you the opportunity to create an entire way of living and outlook that supports both the bigger and smaller goals your up to. Intention shifts perspective from the common sight of resolutions of "whats missing? what can I fix? what can I change?" to an outlook of "what can I add, where can I grow" (much more positive). It creates space to grow, shift, and change along with your personal goals and growth through out the year. As things change you can take what you want, and leave the rest.  With that said,here are my intentions for 2014:

1. If it's both terrifying and amazing, you should definitely persue it.

Vulerability, i looooovvveee to hate it. Berne brown said it best: "vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage". It takes courage to drop what's getting in the way (fear, judgement, doubt) of that something amazing you want. If your scared, that's a good sign its worth it. Scared shitless?100% a go for it. While not all scary and adventurous ideas and plans work out exactly as you had in mind, there's always a nugget of knowladge to walk away with.

2. Do no harm, but take no shit.

I set for an intention of 2013 to live from a place of love. We should all still do that. If somethings not for you, dont do it. if something is no longer serving you, be willing to let it go with love, rather than hold onto it, pretend you love it, and then cling on with resentment. Take no shit from others, and especially don't take shit from yourself.

3. Live from a place of worthiness.

You are worthy, no matter how much you like to tell yourself your not.  Drop what you must to get there. We accept the love we think we deserve, so start owning your worth. Not when you loose 5 pounds, make more money, or have a fancy car, do it now. Right now. Own All of it.You deserve it.

4. Let what you love be what you do.

Find what lights you up and do it more. Im not suggesting you quit your desk job and start selling your precious works of water colors instead, but seek out what you love and begin to imtegrate it more into your daily life. Make a concious decision to do more of what you love. Start there, and then then infinite opportunities  open to fuel you life from your passion. E.E. Cummings said "it take courage to grow up and become who you really are", NOW is your chance.

5. Hug your haters.

Not every person you come across will sing your praises, nor will you for each person you meet. Our default mode is to immediatly meet that with resistance. It's much easier to resist than accept those who resist us. My intention for 2014 is to conciously shift from reacting with resistance to actively meeting with acceptance. Live from a place of we are all connected. In the big picture were all seeking out the same thing, love and acceptance. If there's nothing else you can connect or agree on, come back to that.

6. I'll take care of me for you, you take care of you for me.

Give yourself permission to make yourself a priority. It's healthy. Taking care of everyone else and neglecting your own needs is selfish. What you can give all stems from what you already have inside. If you have nothing left, slow down. Give yourself permission to take whatever it is you need to work on you and refill. Then you can send out what you have with a more powerful, effective force.

7. Keep looking up, that's the secret of life.

Snoopy knows best. But that's what it all comes down to. You look in the direction you want to grow. Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. That simple.

wishing you all a happy, healthy, and bright 2014!


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