Saturday, September 22, 2012

Five Things I've Learned So Far...

I made it! In one piece! Happily sitting in Capetown now, and will head to Gordon's Bay this evening. My travles have already been incredible and far from describible, but here is a short list to give you insight on my learning experience thus far...

1. VISA is accepted everywhere. Except for Ansterdam tram busses. Marketing flaw on their part. Lesson #1: no matter how long the currency exchange line is at the airport, wait in it. It's less painful than being reemed out in Dutch by a bus driver for trying to ride for free.

2.Weed and prosititutes are the norm in Amsterdam ( which, full disclosure, I did neither of). Lesson #2: I would need to learn how to hold my drugs, start smoking cigs, and date ridiculously well outfited men to hang with the Europeans.

3.Flight Tracker: friend quickly turned foe. Lesson #3: Dont torture yourself, go for the three movies and old episodes of Friends instead.

4.Window seats seem ideal...until you remember you have a baby bladder. After the 9th time of getting up to use the restroom on a flight, seats B and C no longer accept your apologies. Lesson #4: I'll go for the asile seat on the way home.

5.Lesson #5: Any shower is a good shower. After a 12 hour flight, sleeping in a hostel bed, getting sweaty, then rained on, sweaty again, going to the beach, and then windblown, that public shower looks awesome (and yes, thats a long time to not shower, dont judge).

and many more to come.....

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Friend is a Present You Give Yourself.

Keeping this one short and sweet.

We encounter all sorts of friendships in our lives. Best friends, childhood friends, when-i-see-you-out-ill-awkwardly-say-hi friends, college friends, and maybe even an imaginary friend from back in the day. But there is nothing in life quite like a good friend. Someone you can laugh and cry with, tell your secrets to, and someone you can love knowing they will always love you back no matter how outrageous you looked dancing at the bar last weekend.

I have an incredible group of good friends, and for that I could not be more thankful.  No one is like another, and I have learned something new from every single one of you. I have friends that make my heart happy and cheeks hurt from laughing so much. What more could a girl ask for? In the past few months I have felt such outpouring and unconditional love from all of my friends. Your love has shown through in hugs, phone calls, glasses of wine, stupid jokes, the list goes on, but be assured no small act has gone unnoticed. And as I head into this next journey, I am confident that I have never felt as supported or loved by a group of people as I do now. The feeling is overwhelming, and is sending me off with a full heart and a huge smile on my face.

So think of this as a thank you. A big huge hug, abundant gratitude, and a big fat kiss for being my friend. I will carry you all so close in my heart throughout this journey.

Flaps up tomorrow, next post will be from South Africa!!!!!!

All my love,


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

God, Grace, and Gratitude

I believe in God. I live through grace. I live in gratitude.

God, grace, and gratitude- An unfailing trifecta of G's. While each may be viewed as independent concepts, the three together have the ability to create things far beyond our abilities.

While I may not have rockstar attendance at church and haven't dutifully read scripture, I still have faith. I strongly believe there is a Higher Power greater than us all. Call it God, call it Allah, Krishna, whatever resinates with you, its there. I believe God has put all of us on earth with purpose and a plan. Everything we encounter in our lives is perfectly timed (even though we may not always think so) and for a reason in accordance with His intention for us. I also believe in science. I am fully aware and not ignorant to the fact that everything that happens can be explained by a scientific truth. But, if science was the only way I explained things that have happened in my life, I would have a titanium heart and an encyclopedia series of both shitty and happy facts. You can logically reason and fact your way through any situation, but God gives you hope for them. He gives you a guide, a reason, and a purpose to work through and carry on. He may not give you the "why" right away (or ever), but faith provides encouragement and reassurance things are happening according to plan. For things we don't understand, think are fair, or don't want to do, he gives us grace.

Grace can have many meanings and come in many forms. Some view grace as good manners, others as something spiritual, and if your five maybe as something you eat before you can have your mac and cheese. Grace can be in the form of a thing, a person, an experience, an emotion, or a freedom. I view grace as a gift. An unconditional gift from God, given with no strings attached. You don't have to be fearless or have endless courage to receive grace. It comes to those who are grateful and humble. Its not something that can be repaid, but it is a gift to be lived out.  We live out our grace through faith and gratitude.

I have abundant gratitude for many many things in my life.  Life without gratitude would be like s'mores without the chocolate. So not tasty. Marshmallows and graham crackers are average, chocolate is the extra delicious goodness that completes the picture. Gratitude comes from within, allows you to appreciate all that you have and grow your heart. As my trip quickly approaches ( 15 days) my awareness of all I have to be grateful has been heightened, especially thanks for God and Grace. I know I will need all three to guide me through my adventure ahead. God and gratitude for grace and grace to be grateful. But until I leave in two weeks I have much to be grateful for here in Charleston and in my life today. So here is my gratitude list for today, I encourage you to take inventory of what your grateful for every now and then and jot some things down.  It feels good. You may have a lot more to smile about than you think.

If your grateful, your happy. If your not, your not.

Today I give gratitude for:
-Family (first and always)
-Dellz lunch dates with Beth, Sarah and Jess
-Walks with Emily Chess
- My dogs Max and Putter
-Chocolate coconut water (holy delicious)
-Phone calls from my sister who hates to talk on the phone
-Big Bang Theory
-Jumble Cookies
-Open hearts